Some things last a lifetime: diamonds, your grandparents’ wedding photos, memories of high school, and uranium degradation. There are other things that do not, and when thinking rationally, we all know this.
If you made it here to this blog, you have probably worn waders. If you haven’t–listen up—waders don’t last forever. Your great grandfather had a Model T, your grandfather had a Chevy and your dad had an F-150. All of these were great vehicles, but chances are that they are no longer on the road. If you still have one, that’s a wonderful thing and we are happy for you, and maybe a little jealous.
Trucks are not chest waders, but let’s be honest, not all good things last forever. While we here at High ‘N Dry wish that our chest waders would last a lifetime, we know that even the best things in life don’t last forever. I certainly don’t have my dad’s old hip boots; they dry rotted decades ago.
In the aquaculture industry you rely on your chest waders day in and day out, and as a result have learned how to repair them, just like our great grandparents knew how to fix that old Model T. You put your waders to work, damage them, patch them up until it’s finally time to replace them with a new set. Let’s be honest, if you are tough on your waders like we are, you too are going to put a hole in them, and then fix them (Here is a link to help – https://youtu.be/fLIUh_smKwU ). Just like your favorite t-shirt, pair of shoes, or even that F-150, there comes a time when they are simply worn out and need to be replaced. This is why at High ‘N Dry, we fully believe in getting the most out of our waders, and hopefully a little more.
High ‘N Dry offers a one-year manufacturer’s guarantee against defects that are the fault of the manufacturing process. If there is a manufacturer’s defect, it will typically show up on the first few wears, and for certain within the first year. Keep in mind that normal wear and tear is not going to be covered by any sort of “lifetime warranty” offered by certain other brands. Will your chest waders last forever? Certainly not, nor do we expect them to, but High ‘N Dry offers a top-quality product at a fair price that will meet or exceed expectations.
Should you ever have an issue with your High ‘N Dry waders, we offer top level customer support from people who know waders, and wear them year-round. We will work directly with you to get you back in the water as soon as possible. High ‘N Dry waders are built to be the best gear for people who demand the best and use them every day. Work Hard, Play Hard, Stay Dry.